


乔纳森·盖勒During the five years since the Tohoku tsunami in Japan, 乔纳森·盖勒 and his colleagues have been collecting samples of the resulting debris that traveled across the Pacific 然后在北美登陆. 事实证明,随之而来的是植物和动物 为了兜风.

“Remarkably, we have discovered more than 300 species on Japanese debris landing in Oregon 和华盛顿州。. 盖勒. “携带物种的残骸,包括船只, docks, bott les, soccer balls, and even a motorcycle, have also been collected in California, 不列颠哥伦比亚省和阿拉斯加.”

盖勒 is identifying these hitchhiking organisms and studying their genetics, growth, andmpopulation特点. 有些是寄生虫,可以在原生植物上生存 species or commercially important species such as oysters and mussels.

海啸研究只是Dr. 盖勒对海洋无脊椎动物的研究 入侵. Another project examines patterns of species diversity in the Coral Triangle region of the Pacific Ocean, an area encompassing Ind一个sia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, 菲律宾和所罗门群岛.

学生是博士课程的关键参与者. 盖勒的研究.

“Involving 学生 in these projects is 一个 of the most important way in which I 教授实验技能和批判性思维. 学生执行基本的实验室程序, 数据分析和存档. 在某些情况下,学生还在当地进行实地考察 or distant sites such as Alaska, Panama, Bali, or French Polynesia.”

许多学生成为博士论文的合著者. 盖勒的论文和报告 座谈会. These connections, credentials, and skills all benefit 学生 as they 过渡到科学工作或博士项目.


吉特·麦克唐纳和学生Gitte麦当劳’s love of marine animals was sparked by visit to Sea World in San Diego 当她七岁的时候. 这导致了她最终对海洋生物能力的研究 哺乳动物和鸟类在极端环境中茁壮成长.

Dr. McDonald examines the physiological mechanisms that determine mthe diving capacity, thermal tolerance, and reproductive and foraging strategies of air-breathing marine 脊椎动物,包括海豹、海狮、鸟类和海龟.

“I might show a litt le favoritism to pinnipeds (seals and sea lions) and penguins because I think it is fascinating how they are adapted to both marine and terrestrial 环境,”她说.

Her research-related travels have led her to Antarctica, Denmark, the Galapagos Islands, 以及美国更多的当地油田.S.包括佛罗里达,海峡群岛, 当然是蒙特利湾.

根据她自己的经验. 麦克唐纳是野外工作的坚定信徒 学生.

“The hands-on experience that 学生 obtain through their field research is essential training for future ecologists and physiologists,” she explains. “最好的办法。 truly understand a system is to get out in the field and study it – that is what gets 热爱科学的学生.”


约书亚·麦基和学生们With an eye to training future researchers, 约书亚Mackie (far right) has been leading projects that fully engage undergraduate and graduate 学生 in hands-on studies 海洋无脊椎动物. The resulting experiences have led many 学生 to continue their studies in science and to pursue careers in scientific disciplines.

Dr. Mackie’s 学生 have been examining the link between copper tolerance and the 入侵物种在加州的扩散. 铜是防污的活性剂 目前用于各种大小船只的油漆. 具有较高耐受性的海洋物种 for copper are invading bays and harbors along the California coast, threatening the 本地海洋物种的多样性和生存.

“Students put in hundreds of hours collecting samples and analyzing organism data,” 博士说. Mackie. “Twelve results-based presentations have been given at scientific 参与这项研究的学生召开的会议.”

这笔资金也使布朗博士的研究成为可能. 麦基的学生去实地考察 (Catalina Island, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Humboldt), and attend an international 多伦多会议.

几个博士. Mackie’s 学生 have been hired for paid scientific positions; others 继续攻读硕士或博士学位.D. 度.

“One of the reasons I was admitted into my graduate program was because I was able to demonstrate that I had lab and research experience at San Jos. 州,”菠菜网lol正规平台说 毕业生Danielle Perryman. 她现在正在进行内分泌系统的研究 and ecology in a graduate program at Oklahoma State University.


金正日BlisniukAs a tectonic geo-morphologist and quaternary geochronologist, Kimberly Blisniuk is engaged in examining and dating the Earth’s landforms and alluvial deposits adjacent 到圣安德烈亚斯断层. 用更简单的英语来说,就是她在收集石头和泥土 and sediment along California’s most prominent earthquake fault, then measuring that 物质的年龄和随时间的运动.

“The goal is to go into the field and look at these land forms with trained eyes so we can document the progressive movement of the land along the fault,” she explains. “By returning to those same locations and collecting samples on a regular basis, we 还能得到土地形态的年代吗.”

Measurement of land progression and age is key to estimating earthquake recurrence.

“We are figuring out how fast a fault moves over the most recent geologic time period in 地球的历史. The rate at which a fault moves plus knowledge of the most recent earthquake’s 定时为我们提供了故障的复发间隔.”

从测量数据来看,Dr. 布利斯纽克和她的学生在该领域取得的成果 goes into scientific models of earthquake recurrence and seismic hazards. 数据 is also used by the federal government and insurance assessors to figure out where homes are the most vulnerable or least vulnerable to earthquake damage in order to 确定地震保险费率.

Dr. Blisniuk’s own educational experiences with geology and field mapping led her to 欣赏实地研究对学生的价值.

“实地工作对学生来说是必不可少的. 他们需要学习收集的本质 处理样本. One of my undergraduate 学生 has taken samples he collected in the field to a geology lab at Stanford University where I have a working relationship 和其他研究人员一起. He is getting firsthand experience with bringing what is collected in the field back to the lab for evaluation – exactly what he will be doing in a future 科学家的职业生涯.”
